
An ill wind is blowing. Last night I was stirred from my slumber by a crow calling three times. Caw… caw… well you know what a crow sounds like. Passing to my window, I trod on a piece of lego. Oh, it went right in the heel. Turning on my television set, I noticed the reception wasn’t great. Not terrible, just not

I saw Etta and John Lee Hooker in 2001 right before he died. She was so ridiculously bawdy and charming besides being obscenely soulful and talented. I've never seen a performer own her sexuality - and she was well into her 60s! She was so much more than a voice you'd hear at weddings. She was a dynamic singer of wit

Very fair point, I think there can be a good middle ground. The monsters in Where the Wild Things Are are puppets and CG and are absolutely stunning. I feel like we're building a bridge people.

It's the eyes that always bother me. They just look dead.

To put into context, I didn't think Avatar was that impressive either. I'm firmly in the practical effects camp and have yet to be swayed. I hate to be like the, "drum machine's have no soul" camp but I kind of am in relation to CG. When CG tries to resemble real life then for me it fails. But in the case of something

Those were load bearing nips!

I would rather have seen Andy in prosthetics and make-up than drown in bad CG. I don't care how hard you render each microscopic hair on that chinny chin chimp, it never looks as soulful as something in tangible space.*

I see what you did there and I like it.

Beat me to it. But let's not make a Trojan War out of it.

I don't know how that baby thinks it can put its fist up there when Obama's foot already takes up so much room. RIMSHOT!

Real talk ladies:

Yeah, if that's catty I've been a fucking sabertooth tiger.

And just like the actual show Parks and Recreation, there is no Anne to be found.

Now playing

Honestly, to me this has always been the worst/racist/child pandering song of the holidays (/secretly love it).

Because your name is your name I feel like I can trust you on this without impunity. I'm insies.

I just want to voice what a majority are feeling with their horny ghost lovin' hearts, I don't read these reviews because I watch American Horror Story. I watch American Horror Story because I read these reviews. Bless you.

Surely, "The Flash" is not an ideal allusion to make when in the heat of the moment?

Well, he is Rosemary's baby. The dark lord has good genes. I'm particularly fond of Sleepers.

That must be an awful big jar by now.

Charlotte Gainsbourg's performance was remarkable and seemingly, unanimously, overlooked. Dunst was fantastic but I felt more for Claire as a character in her gilded cage. That she can still conceive of hope for her and her son when there is nowhere left to go is heartbreaking.