
@quitcherbichinn: Well, I didn't get the iPhone 3g, but it's always great and never too late to discover these wonderful things about the world of business.

Wait so I still have to pay 10 dollars extra for nonexistent 4G if I get the Evo?

@B0ss: I'm sure your son (I'm assuming, otherwise that could be illegal hmmm) would love the name "Ass."

I think Apple is addicted to losing while having the potential to win.

Everyone reply to me! I got to test this err thing. !

@imdante: Ha that's awesome. Is that part of the defaults or did you add that one?

Damn.. now i've got to decide between iGoogle and google search backgrounded as homepage. :(

Well, yea. If they were REALLY trying to fight, they would have released os x for non-apple hardware.

@Helis: or getting thousands of dollars from Gizmodo.