"Me too"
-Steve Young
"Me too"
-Steve Young
The NFL of the 1990s was weird as hell.
Mr. Collinsworth and Mr. Michaels, Roger Goodell on Line 1
It's for the fans!!! #Seahawks
Say what you will about Roger Goodell, but I think it's pretty neat he signs each ball.
Pete Carroll, shouldn't you be preparing for the Super Bowl?
BREAKING: Peter King of Sports Illustrated is reporting that neither Roger Goodell nor anyone in the NFL offices had any knowledge of anything prior to Tuesday's meeting.
*** Deflatriots bout to get blown out
The Immaculate Interceptions
"Yup... God was responsible for those ill-timed interceptions. What he said."
I had a similar conversation with my 4yo daughter, however as a Colts fan, I had roughly an entire half of football to prepare for it.
Pretty sure dicks would have been sucked no matter who won that.
Out of all the fans here, the only ones I feel bad for are the kids. They had an opportunity to experience something very few kids ever have, ruined because their parents suck at being football fans.
"We left Game 1 before the leaving the game early was cool "
Is it just me, or did Chandler actually look a little pissed when he was shaking his head at Dirk?
Since "potamus" means river, Potomac (Hippo)'Potomi would make a pretty nice new name for the Washington football team. Prediction that no one will agree.
I cant believe how fast of a swimmer it was, oh my. What closing speed and great angle, better than any safety on the Eagles
When I was a little kid I always wanted to be a hippo. They hang out all day and mind there own business but when they are threatened they absolutely kick ass. TO be honest I still kind of want to be a hippo.
He looks pretty hungry, hungry.