
It's narcissism masquerading as empathy for people who demand to be noticed for their piety.

the lego movie didn't get a nod for best animated film

That's actually the only way to act in a goddamn Buffalo Wild Wings.

I hope he never discovers plaid.

Attacking Michael Bay with Enthusiasm Unknown to Mankind

Attacking this whey with Enthusiasm Unknown to Mankind

+1 "He's gone khaki!"

Enthusiasm Level: Khaki

That tweet looks like something posted the day after an Amway conference...

I, for one, am completely convinced by a sample size of 3 whole games.


September 7, 1979

The same thing happens when someone tries to put subtlety in front of Chris Berman.

I excuse it when it is like, here is me at this cool location, or with this person I don't see often. But just you at work? Why?

Kim Kardashian

I'm all for never letting Dungy live that down.

Pictured: an artist's representation of the Cubs' last 100 years.