
He may want to leave his "Who Needs Anal Sex" T-shirt at home when they send him to prison.

It's weird that in the age of conservative outrage over big government, said conservatives don't seem to have too many complaints about two plush, state of the art sports stadiums and a decked out arena, named after corporations owned by thirty somethings who'd never so much as changed a tire much less saw a day's

I didn't even equate "jungle boy" to a racist remark until you brought it up.

It would make sense if this game were being played in Baltimora

The proper grammar for your post is "ain't."

from reading the prior deadspin post, looks like ECU Florida was the crappiest game.

I am so happy they are getting the crappiest game of the weekend.

zack de la rocha would not like this.

Tom Osborne is also well aware of the risk of going for 2 in a Bowl game.

Hopefully the coach will be a little more specific in the future when he calls for the runs.

Be informed before you pass judgment.....both teams were instructed by NCAA officials that whoever the losing team was had leave the football field immediately to avoid any post-game scuffles, so that is why most of FSU players exited the field.

"How else are you supposed to start it?"

paul Rudd is a pretty fucking swell guy, but action hero he is not

He called FSU losers? Damn my shitty reading comprehens....oh, wait....he wrote it was GLORIOUS watching them crumble you twat.

Yeah, isn't deadspin being guilty of the same run with the pack mentality that they usually criticize everyone else of having ? I was cheering for Oregon but that was because I like Marcus Marriota and the style of play that the Ducks have. Let's be honest, all big time college football programs have jerk off head

Fuck the Bulls.

Between this and the most salivated over SEC teams getting their shit pushed in, I can't think of a bowl season I've enjoyed more than this one.

January 1, 2015: the day espn broadcast porn.