Mark, bring the Raiders back to their glory days: just use Ask Madden on every play.
i just don't understand what people are thinking sometimes. like, what the fuck is this dude thinking? i'm not talking about whether or not he forced himself on her. i'm just flat out talking about what a guy, any guy is doing picking up a hooker who i can only assume is in pretty rough shape if she's been smoking…
The national hot take on the Bay Area is that it's full of a bunch of entitled, techie assholes, who have more money than brains and who have no concept of reality.
"How the fuck is this news?"
Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?
It was even uglier in the stands as the Memphis and BYU coaches' wives carried on the violence. outnumbered 6 to 1 the Memphis wives didn't stand a chance
If he wants his nickname to be "Machine Gun Kelly" there are better ways of telling us.
While this may hurt Kelly's chances of staying at Ole Miss, he just locked up a roster spot at Florida State.
Shut yo mouf, you dog-kissing, mayonnaise-eating, Ed Hardy-wearing, microbrew-swilling, "let's-go-camping" muthafucka'.
"Why aren't they protesting against the murder of cops?"
When later asked why he licked his own shoe on television, Moses said that it was "just for kicks."
I still can't believe these protest have gone on for so long,
"Hey, that's my fucking job."
If we're all supposed to honor and respect you for being big strong men willing to take a bullet to enforce the law and protect the public, maybe you shouldn't undercut that by being hysterically overreactive crybabies about the slightest implication that maybe somebody in your ranks is doing a shitty job?
Well, that's one way to tailgate
This is absolutely disgusting.