It’s probably just easier technically to put a date and set the date to something ridiculousy long, instead of trying to code both a “temp” and a “perma” ban.
It’s ok, I’ve watched all of them enough for both of us.
No, just you.
But you can write some shitty words and call it a comment.
They’ll be delaying 2017.
Hog is one of the most enjoyable characters to play. Survivability every which way, the chain is just pure fun, and that voice is perfect.
The developers have stated previously that anything in-game is non-canon. I don’t think they want gameplay to be effected by their bigger-picture plans for the property, and vice versa.
it’s not the words “SORRY USA AND WORLD” written in crayon on a piece of light green construction paper.
Next do Pharah x Mercy!
Sony owns the rights to Spider-Man. They didn’t have a buy an exclusive.
fuck, you always forget one game. let’s imagine it’s on there.
This comment was a rollercoaster that ended with me high-fiving you.
They aren’t known for having blue, green, magenta, and yellow hair either.