Tran Nguyen

Wow they can render in so many cars and people with a PS4/PC

I'm pretty sure Sunset Overdrive is a 3rd person shooter.


It's beautiful... °(ಗдಗ。)°.

I like the art. It's more modern now and hope the new generation and old generation will all come together watch Sailor Moon again!!

oh my god, the My Little Pony video was the best....YAWK YAWK!! LOL

Some Attack on Zombies right here.....(get it? haha i'm hilARIOUS)

The girl who got stabbed 19 times lived?? Wow....


Haha! This is amazing.

I was like...."Who's Shadowcat??" then I realized it's Kitty Pryde lol.

Seeing regular prices too right now.

The Golden Gem is TheRadBrad but he has a lot of subscribers!! woo and the Noise Maker is PewDiePie or Markiplier lol

I was like red...?? You mean purple right ;-)

His name is Conchita Wurst lol.

I have no idea why China would do what did they expect? Everyone to join hands and sing kumbaya?

Well someone isn't......happy

I'm pretty sure more regular people in SKorea have plastic surgery than in the regular people US lol

do you know any good comic sales lol

I would love to try this...and hope I don't vomit lol.