
There is a limit on brightness. It was originally developed for incandescent bulbs. It specified both a minimum brightness and how bright the illumination can be at the edges of the envelope. With better optical software and higher brightness sources the makers took the peak level limit that was previously confined to

Don’t worry, that’s coming next. I’m going to be working this beat (lol) further and deeper.

That is a rabbit hole I’m still following down for a future update. Thus far the finances don’t show anything too surprising aside from a million dollars to Microsoft for cloud services, and the fact that the CEO of AAMVA has a cushy $400k/yr job. Donors appear to be anonymous, for now.

Oh if the chief MARKETING officer at a WIRELESS CHARGING TECHNOLOGY COMPANY has said this, it must be the complete whole truth. got it.

Exactly, she was fighting to Stop the Steel Conspiracy. There are 100% all-natural, gluten free, homeopathic paints that will ensure these steel plates are stronger than ever. And by the way, steel is strong metal — whoever says it can break is *lying* to you!

Hey man, she’s just a free thinking, rugged individualist who did her own research.

That’s a PROPOSED technology, not one that exists right now or has been implemented even at a 1:1 scale, never mind tested and peer reviewed at any remotely accurate multi-car scale.

Those are not production panel gaps; they’re being used for betas (in the interim, until the “full-width” panel gaps get the correct certification).

This is a really bad take.

the only drivers going to Indy are those who have been told they won’t get to F1 or have lost their seat in F1. either they are not incandescent talents (like max, norris, russel, leClerc) or the don’t have the combination of good enough + lots of money (stroll, mazespin, latifi and stroll

*TECHNICALLY* Elon is legally allowed to call himself a co-founder as a result of the Eberhard lawsuit, however he invested his PayPal money after the Company had already been “found” almost 8 months prior.  He saw a good idea and invested in it early on.  That is not what I would consider a co-founder as he was not

So your friend in his late 20s married an 18 year old that he presumably dated for at least a little bit while she was underage?

This happened recently - Parents bought the kid a Mustang as a graduation present, now he’s in jail for 24 years.

This is the type of journalism the world needs more of. Thank you Mr. T, and a happy belated birthday to you!


Not sure about not picking up the feet, but the danger is this. In high voltage cases, 5000-10,000V, at some distance from the contact point the ground will be at, literally, ground potential (0V) In between that spot and the place where the wire is touching the voltage is dropping off.

Calling him out for... discussing a video that is about a Tesla. Which is an accurate discussion of what occurs in the video.

Betsy upthread said her name is Atoosa Lotfi

I mean, I did call someone a ghoul, but thanks.
