Which is why his comments are so ironic, if it wasn’t for his father giving him millions, he’d be broke as shit.
Which is why his comments are so ironic, if it wasn’t for his father giving him millions, he’d be broke as shit.
He definitely bragged about not paying his taxes because he is, and I quote, “smart”.
Nearly all of it in fact. They levered the section 8 type housing to buy more. Which Donald promptly lost. The Plaza? Gone. Trump Tower levered to over 80%. Any casino on the Atlantic? Gone.
And then his dad made their wealth in government-subsidized housing. A lot of the housing they built used substantial amounts of public funds.
Didn’t he argue this in one of the debates when Hillary Clinton attacked him about it? That he was just doing what “rich” people are supposed to do to stay rich?
The fact that they aren’t black is all they care about.
See, the difference between them and REAL poor people is that they just have had bad luck whereas poor people are lazy. They work hard and WOULD be rich if only the system wasn’t rigged against them because of NAFTA or something. Poor people are stupid (but also somehow smart enough to fleece the welfare system so…
You have to stand in awe of a man who doesn’t appreciate poor people when their entire family fortune started with pimping prostitutes and feel good medicine. Selling women and drugs.
A rally for what exactly for fucks all sakes? Propoganda rally that’s what. Election is over, you won, congrats. Not why don’t you actually govern and do your job. Scratch that, you suck at that. Don’t do that either.
Can we start getting “hypocrisy” as a tag on all these stories? The idea that the GOP is vaunting the “NY elite” as those who will make America great, is as absurd as him having the evangelical vote.
Sometimes I really find it hard not to think that in sexual assault cases if an accused decides to plead not guilty and take the case to trial, they should be required to testify. None of this “no case to answer” bullshit. Your lawyer gets to cross-examine the complainant? That’s cool, the prosecution get to…
I mean...I can’t say that I didn’t laugh at this headline. BUT, I’m so glad the family was able to get away from this maniac without harm or incident.
The Congressional Black Caucus declined an invitation to meet with Donald Trump
Listen, when you’re a parent it is your job to be as embarrassing to your kid as humanly possible. That’s just science.
My mom is wildly gregarious and talks easily to strangers. As an adult, that still occasionally makes me…
Team Edith 4 Lyfe
Staff the entire emergency room with black doctors and nurses, then if some asshole demands he get a white doctor, they can go ahead and die.
Thanks for this!
Why aren’t the NRA folks rioting over this? A responsible gun owner did everything you’re supposed to do but was killed.