
Thanks for this!

Also, an election in SC where the Democrat came within 3 points? Drastically outperforming the polls. And Hillary Clinton lost there by 19?!!! An election that wasn’t on the radar, but likely reflects the sentiments of the voting public (although I understand that it was a strongly African American district). It

georgia voter (not in the 6th though so don’t blame me) here: ossoff’s ads were all about issues and policy. handel’s ads were all about how ossoff is a liberal (basically, appeals to tribal politics). dems need a more compelling storyline because the word liberal is still a dirty word down here. issues and policy are

They are business owners who are thrilled not to have to pay their workers.


It’s a wealthy district full of the “fuck you, I got mine” mindset. These people are only convinced that a living wage would mean their bottom line gets hurt.

Why aren’t the NRA folks rioting over this? A responsible gun owner did everything you’re supposed to do but was killed.

Uhh, Steve? I think there is an adage about stones and glass houses that applies to you here...

Let’s be clear, Amazon offers many great things, and good prices. However they are not angels or “good guys”. If it benefits them, they block competing products (Chromecast, Apple TV). If it benefits them they will do practically anything.

You said: “The answer was, of course, Kevin Durant.”

He doesn’t think the adopted child will think of him as a father, and he has a hard time thinking that child is his.

I’m actually so surprised at this verdict but elated for his family. She is evil.

He obsesses over people who are generally more liked than him. Obama, Hilary, Meryl Streep, Stephen King, all the people he sputters about as being crooked/talentless/evil, are all people that are considered to be the top in their fields and are respected by the population. He can’t understand why he isn’t

Kamala Harris is the only Senator on the judiciary committee who’s an actual prosecutor. This seems to especially bother John McCain (who’s been sitting in and interrupting her despite NOT being a member of the committee).

Also, clean up your junk.

Nobody will throw anything at you, we are too busy claiming your share of the cheese.

The “deep state spear” is Newt’s biggest fear and the terror that keeps him up at night: A big ol’ gay liberal dong that thrusts deep into the ‘Murican dream and pumps it full of rainbows and compassion. Oh! And the dong is black, and thinks that women should be allowed to vote.

This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.

I’ve been saying Kamala Harris 2020 since before the 2016 election was even over. She’s awesome. I hope she’s president someday.

Clean up your room before you shoot a video, people