
This whole thing is like the drunken uncles of America are lurching around representing all the rest of the family.

oh did you overshoot the directions to breitbarf/drudge sludge?

Dad? How’d you find this site?

The GCC blockade of Qatar is pretty fucking huge and I’m not convinced at all Trump didn’t at least give his blessings. They’ve demanded the country to shutter Al-Jazeera, expel Hamas/MB members, cease criticism of Egypt and cut ties to Iran.

“Looking forward to the D-Day invasion of Normandy tomorrow! #MAGA”

National hero. Otherwise, these assholes felt perfectly fine continuing to tell us that there is no hard evidence of anything. Fuckwads.

I mean, there are reasons that privatization isn’t necessarily a terrible idea? It’s an idea that’s been floated since the 90's, and other countries have done this without disastrous results.

And the US embassy in London has also gone renegade:

And with Mortem still on holiday, once again it’s time for the UK general election countdown.

when did we stop extreme vetting our presidents?

Thanks so much! I live in Georgia and get really annoyed with commenters who paint us all with a broad brush. Come back anytime!

Just Give It 7 Seconds

Imagine this: You’re out at a bar. Maybe you’re there with some coworkers, and everyone is shaking off that crazy

He is a member of the House of Representatives, he is calling for a holy war. This is something that he could, and should, be removed from office for.

yeah, they really should google “the troubles” as it was so eloquently put.

You are trying way to hard. You’re like a boggle game filled with random Trumpisms.

That was my first thought, too. “...or Catholics or Protestants.”

Does Saavedra know that the Christians were the ultimate losers in the Crusades? Never mind that they were usually just an excuse for Western Europe to loot what was left of the Eastern Roman Empire. 

Who knew there were 500,000 Muslims in Northern Ireland?