
I believe the United States of America should be at the front of the pack. But even in the absence of American leadership; even as this Administration joins a small handful of nations that reject the future; I’m confident that our states, cities, and businesses will step up and do even more to lead the way, and help

TwitterAudit Says 67 Million of Katy Perry’s Followers Are Fake

The “treatment” doesn’t mean anything, unfortunately. Little Charlie probably wouldn’t even survive the trip, and even if he did, the “treatment” (there’s a fine line between experimental treatments and full-on human experimentation, and I think this crosses it) would only extend his life, such as it is, for a few

Helicopter parenting is bad and you can’t shelter them from bad stuff in the world too much but I feel like “I don’t want my children interacting with a known serial killer” is a fairly reasonable request?

I appreciate his honesty.

It’s unclear what will come of the investigation (though my guess is “not much”)

Fixed it for you.

Nah fuck her she could have run and gotten away from him but she just lachted onto his coatails like her oafish brothers.

Lol ok, when I first read this story I thought “well, if I had even a molecule of sympathy for Ivanka (I don’t) I’d feel slightly bad that she actually had a pretty solid chance at establishing a killer lifestyle brand of ‘like Goop, but for working moms’ that’s totally fucked now bc of her dad. B/c that’s actually a

Barron is the only decent Trump because he’s still a kid. This may change when the douchiness in his dad’s DNA is carefully nurtured by his rotten mother to ensure he’s just as awful as his half-siblings by the time he’s 16.

I only saw funny jokes by a person who is a comedian. Trolling is an entirely different kind of activity. Are you so quick to defend Trump that you don’t even realize this? Making fun of him is so easy that we forget how serious this all is- we’ve elected someone who will forever be a punchline. We’re laughing when we

At least “Ivanka” is now a curse word meaning “nakedly self serving while also embodying the very vilest narcissistic rich bitch stereotypes”

her ass aint in a mirror, its in jiffy pop.

Wouldn’t even say she’s trolling, since she is asking legitimate questions.