
I assume it was about how they work with celebs. Usually everything about those sponsored posts is dictated by the brand from the text to what time the celeb is supposed to post to the hashtags so it makes sense to involve the brand in the conversation.

The point of sending them to brands is so when those brands contract with other celebrities to promote their items in the future, they make sure the celebrities follow FTC regulations. The brands are just as culpable; they often write the full caption that appears beneath a post and send it to the celebrity to

I wonder if the letters to brands were aimed at letting them know that “influencers” they paid to post about them had to make it clear the post was an ad or sponsored.

I’m glad the FTC took a stand. It’s their job to look out for consumer practices and they’ve fullfilled that duty. That said, did anyone really believe that celebs weren’t going to use their social media to make money? And why didn’t their PR or Lawyers let these celebs know that they could be ‘sanctioned’ (hahah a

Did Kushner & Kellyanne Conway get one too?

We need to celebrate the victories, full stop. We care and we are concerned and it is not okay mentally to just see the low points and further despair. Some good people on a local city council is a win, imo.

Wisdom is relevant-being unnecessarily cynical isn’t. I’m very very concerned about the resurgence of acceptable racism in politics. I’m black. I live in America. Our racist candidate won. Do not try to tell me that I don’t think actively countering this crap is important or relevant.

I think that one can be both relieved that Macron won the run-off, and still concerned about the greater implications of the election. Political awareness is not a zero-sum situation.

There’s no need to be patronizing. It’s concerning that she got any of the vote but I’m wholly unsurprised. White people are quite reliably racist.

Turnout may have been low by French standards, but a 65% turnout would be considered amazingly high here in the USA.

Holy shit. What a bunch of delusional assholes. Let’s bathe in their bitter, bitter tears!

I get it, but most American voters chose Clinton and I will not have the voice of the people erased! Our system can suck all the dicks, tho.

I’d say not voting in the open racist and fascist is a pretty good victory for democracy.

I’m here for right-wing tears:

Vive le France! We drove the Nazis out 72 years ago. No way in hell are they coming back.

Yet another country proves that its citizens are smarter, and kinder, than Americans.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuck iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, Nazi fucks.

A few days ago I mentioned I was making a poster to motivate myself to study for the bar. Well guess what?

I used to be a huge Viggo Mortensen fan and Salvation!: Have You Said Your Prayers Today? is, without question, one of the five or six worst movies I’ve ever seen. And, I mean, I’m addicted to cheesy old sci-fi and horror movies on YouTube. But it was his first real role, so I had to see it. Spare yourself.

Trump looks like a political cartoonist drew him, thought the caricature was too exaggerated, crumpled the sketch into a ball and threw it away. Later, under deadline, he said “Eh, fuck it, good enough” fished the sketch out of the wastebasket, smoothed it out with his hands and sent it in.