
If the world were just, Trump wouldn’t be POTUS in the first place.

If the world were just, he wouldn’t be attending because he won’t still be president on April 29.

Honestly? Decoration.

I thought all the readers of this site deleted the UBER App.

isn’t throwing shit you found on the ground at other moving shit what childhood is all about?

Why is the fucking press laughing at his jokes???????????? Fuck this man. GIVE HIM NOTHING.

Interesting point.

I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.

I’d only watch it if Milo and Hartley were naked all the time.

Dick Cheney was evil but competent and qualified.

It looked like he was reading from a teleprompter...with his dead eyes. Seriously, how is he 31?!

I am sure Trudeau wishes he could be hanging out on Richard Branson’s island with Obama instead of guest starring on the Political Apprentice.

“I want one day without a CNN alert that doesn’t scare the hell out of me.”

You can’t leak classified info but IF Trump made his senior cabinet officials sign an NDA (which I wouldn’t be surprised at) they’d be hard to make stick given those are federal jobs, not personal hires by Trump for his company.

does anyone else feel like they’ve aged like 15 years in the last 20 days?

Harris seems great; Booker should be kept as far away as possible.

She’s my senator and I’d like to see her run for President in four or eight years. Whip smart, rational and practical, compassionate- I truly believe she could peel off five percent of the Trump vote while unifying both moderate and liberal Democrats.

It’s a great airplane. Flies a huge distance.

Not really, ACLU actually provides value.