
February 7, 2017. The day public education died.

Can we all agree that Melania is no captive victim here? She may despise her disgusting beast of a husband, but she’s in on the insanity all the same.  

Daily fucking reminder:

“I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.”

Tune in to C-Span so Congress knows Americans are watching this:

If I were a bland white dude in the “arts” who has to wear suits sometimes, I would beard up too. It’s the only way they avoid looking like management consultants.

Chelsea Clinton’s twitter account has been a source of some solace recently. She’s not a politician and I would assume has no desire to stand for office someday so the few(er) fucks she gives about being diplomatic is a tonic.

I’m still with her.

Boycott L.L. Bean. Big trump donors

Boycott L.L. Bean. Big trump donors

I have no idea how to solve this but we will never make progress as long as stupid people are allowed to continually fail to learn from the lessons of history and elect people like Trump. It was just 8 years ago for fuck sake that poor regulation led to the 2008 crisis and here we are again watching corrupt

Clearly you totally misunderstand the critical importantce of Net Neutrality.

His supporters still think trickle down economics is brilliant. They’ll cheer on this change. Because of the billionaires just get richer, maybe one day I’ll make some money too! And let’s not forget they’re JOB CREATORS. even though most of them don’t believe in minimum wage period. Maybe jobs will come back but

how long until the first?

To all the liberals who had the audacity to think that Hillary Clinton would have been just as bad as Trump. Fuck you very much.

keep calm, and carry on, spicy boy

Sean Spicer is really the worst of the Spicer Girls.

Liberals, most of us, hated his use of drones, hated his actions in the Middle East that resulted in those deaths. His approval ratings would have been ten points higher if he hadn’t been doing that.

I’m thinking a 70-year-old racist, drunk with power, is pretty much set in his ways.

Yes because corn and toilet paper are the same thing as trapping people in an airport, separating a mother from her un-weaned infant, and preventing visa-holding students from returning to college.