you didn’t think it through.
you didn’t think it through.
i’m actually upset with what you just chose to post.
she would have kept the sanity.
takes one to know one. ;/
yep. can we all go back to that day and start again?
“Reines seems to have done a good job in this role, as Clinton is generally understood to have won all three debates, (not that it kept her opponent from the Oval Office, of course!)“
white house announced ivanka is travelling too.
my first thought before i even read the article. that, and only he can tell her when she’s allowed to pee.
“Benghazi fanfic enthusiast Trey Gowdy will likely replace Chaffetz as chair the House Oversight Committee.” one of the most recent witch-hunters, should settle in nicely with the rabble rousing firestarters.
guitarists stomp on guitar pedals, or rest their foot on them. this is all wrong in all sorts of ways. except for, um, those into stepping on boobs?
dummy me forgot to include thatcher in my comment.
except for palin, she’s the most horrid woman ever, and i’m just over 50. please... stop these horrids.
props megan/theslot for using photo that’s kinda sane-looking soccer mom. LOL.
ha, yeah, it’s ok to kerazy comment on looks of ‘celebs’ to bring back school years. so i’d say don’t comment and/or start on looks. FOCUS.
Kellass McKelly BoatassDuplicitousSerpentTongue
evil man, but more well-rounded than our current? i guess if you’re ok with hoodwinking*, then hoodwinking while playing the piano a day or two after wearing full-on hockey gear is an easier pill to swallow.
while this is not the normal way to go about getting attention, she may be a leader of the pack against these luddites. wouldn’t be surprised to see this become the norm. and yes, we should support the cause.
yep, my thoughts too. maybe gets him more date nights with pam.
but whoa whoa wait, let an elderly catch up. hasn’t these already been supeonaed? or requested?
LOCK THEM UP!!!!! and MAGA ;)