
one of my faves i saw on twitter:

she had a chance to emancipate. instead she’s turned out just like the rest of that horrid klan. if only she’d show some charity, or in the very least understanding the world outside of her bubble.


bbbuttt those kids and their ‘what it’ll look like’ graphic talent!

not naive enough to pay instagrammers, from VICE article:

always greys, me, but he needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

put the lotion in the basket! wonderful man. RIP mr demme.

HERE. hear. DT dropped a bomb previous KS day. pay attention to next tues! 

don’t forget his VA golf course also, i think he’s been there twice. and his kids, and NYC. AND the DC hotel... pocketing taxpayer $$


welcome to the /awkward/ club. i was LON google his xfactor uk audition and then when they did the judges houses thing with simon. thankfully i wasn’t a teacher. ;) he’s aging well.

while all of that is great, i live in ATL and there is no way i’d be on a plane taking off or landing here during the the 14hrs of storms the other day. hannah wrote “inclement”. haha, nothing inclement about it. 

i’m in the 5th also... with fingers, toes, legs, arms, and eyes crossed. please please please!

i was a little uncomfortable only because he wasn’t funny when he hit on certain things. i’m ok non-PC if it makes me laugh, those jokes just weren’t funny to me. i just got tickets to chris rock, and looking forward to laughing so hard that my face and ribs will hurt for days.

trumpertantrum route.



Trumpertantrum, weh, weh!

and here i thought this article was leading to compare/contrast the ‘oh, it’s only locker room talk’ bs. pleasantly surprised.