After their collossal losing streak this year, I bet Disney wishes they still had distrubution rights to Miyazaki’s movies lol.
After their collossal losing streak this year, I bet Disney wishes they still had distrubution rights to Miyazaki’s movies lol.
To Pete Murray’s fucking Basin:
I love how Musk used to be the left’s boy until he burst your digital bubble and, yes, allowed those mean Nazis to speak. You know, like the ACLU, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, and Frederick Douglass did/would have.
no offense but isn’t the average dr who fan more of a queermo spazz type? they don’t really strike me as misogynistic
Serious question for Whovians explaining away the race and gender swapping with “the doctor is an alien who can take the form of anyone!”
Sure, okay. But why did the Doctor regenerate as a white male 12 times in a row? Seems like a wild coincidence.
If you told me as a kid that country would be the new punk rock, offending the moral majority in 2023, I would have laughed in your face.
“Threatening summer hit.” I’m sorry, I thought we were talking about a stupid country song and not every gangster rap song ever recorded. I suppose if you actually sold drugs, killed people, and used women as worthless nothings, you’re in the clear and the left will absolutely gag on your cock for decades. But if you…
Sure, Fran. It’s the STUDIOS drawing out the strike.
If people bothered to read past the sensationalist headlines, they’d learn it was a child custody dispute.
Good thing nobody was calmly escorted to the nether realm after being shot and killed by the police or were sentenced to prison for years of their life...
An unarmed J6 rioter was shot and killed at point blank range by police, remember that?
Try that in a small town.
Calling extras “background actors” doesn’t make them actors.
Take that, striking hotel workers!
Lizzo done ate the milkshake and the duck. LMAO.
I assume these claims will be unquestionably believed since we all agree how important it is to “believe women”.
I agree that you anal.