
You almost lost me on Facebook boycott, but you definitely reeled me back in with sleeper has awoken.

I never wanted to be a crane more than now...except when I was 3, and I wanted to be a crane, just a different kind of crane...well, and then there was age 5, when I really wanted to be able to do a crane kick....cranes, who knew!

Hello, I've come back from 7 days in the future to say that SOPA has somehow managed to pass, and this show has been sued for piracy since it stole the idea from another show...didn't even know that was part of SOPA...anyways, that one suit has had a butterfly effect causing WWIII and Syfy to be sued to the point of

actually did laugh out thanks for that.

If you like this story go read (better uet listen) to a book called Packing for Mars. Tons of awesome facts about space

So help me if Matthew_McConaughey shows up...I'll just jump in there myself

John Hinkley will shoot you know he's getting out right?

She'll be cooked alive, at which we point we could enjoy her with some fava beans and a nice chianti

Travis Bickle will come and shoot you

I agree about the disagreeing of picture frames. I, a techie, gave one to my wife, a techie, last Christmas. We love it. It sits in our living room, and often stops us as we walk by to look at a picture. I did the research and bought the highest res I could get, which was important. But this makes you look

Thanks for this...that's just comic excellence right there. The fact that it's Sidney Poitier (oscar winner) and David Strathairn (oscar nominee) to Robert Redford (oscar winner) just makes it that much better.

The only way Sneakers is not fantabulous is if you just don't want to use that word, and would prefer awesomful or supermazing.

Just because I question there a chance the video is faked? Being a techie, I'm pretty inclined to believe CIQ is doing what Trevor says it is doing...but wouldn't the same people wearing tin foil hats want confirmation 1) it's actually happening and/or 2) it's actually being used for evil.

Diaper genie worked very well for me. I just have to make sure to wrap up the diaper like a poop taco, even refasten the tabs around the spent diaper...seemed to help keep the smell in. I also put 2 of those small arm&hammer tabs at the bottom of the bin.

Fantastic movie. Since it's streaming on Netflix, it qualifies as the ultimate cute babies and kittens/puppies web videos. The little mongolian kid pulling around the cat tied to the string, the cat running away from pooping american baby, and african baby pulling the dog's tongue.

I still contend that the biggest hole in Amazon's streaming and cloud services is the lack of iOS support. I truly don't think it would hurt their business to allow iProducts to access their streaming services and cloud music through an app. Even if they now have a true iPad contender (Fire FWIW), they don't have an

Best way to exact "revenge." Have a child and be the best damn father ever. Win-win too, because in addition to the f-you to the deadbeat dad, you'll barely give a shite anymore when you know the simple joy of being a true father.

So is this going to save the USPS? Are they mailing using USPS or UPS/FEDEX? Because I see the amount of mail spiking for a bit after this. USPS should start looking at anyway to convince people to do these type of things.

Wonderfully deep and metaphysically fun to think about.

But can it recycle your sweat, urine and feces into drinkable water for long desert voyages atop a gigamtic sandworm?