
I guess I should have realized something so simple would be twisted into some kind of racial slur by the tragically clueless self congratulating echo chamber that is Gawker.

In an article about the cardinals and/or their fans there can be no “best part”. It’s just varying degrees of depressing racist dumassery.

I was part of said war and have spent quite a bit of time in Pristina but that’s hardly the point. If it makes your narrow world view less narrow to label me a “racist fuck” then good for you. By the way shouldn’t you be choking yourself right now?

Congrats you missed the point and turned a simple observation into something which suits your obviously narrow world view.

Way to miss the point, and that’s not a circle change....please go away.

An article based on velocity and you have a picture of him throwing a changeup.....sweet.

I was watching “the Swiss” play last week and after a few minutes I entered the following phrase into my handy Google search engine; “are there any Swiss people on the Swiss national soccer team??????......????”