
Goblin Slayer (the series) places women in the role of being helpless rape subjects, whom the (male) titular character is then motivated to avenge. 

But recognizes the knighthood of Metaknight. Who is basically just a mercenary.

Her replies are also gold, like it explains that this is Marth’s list, not hers, and Marth does not recognize the sovereignty of Kings K. Rool and Dedede. Which, you know what, fair.

Katie is the best. Name one webcomic that has as good a track record. I’ll wait..

Worth mentioning that Katie released Marth’s tier list, for those curious:

You realize this comparison elucidates neither Twin Peaks or Kingdom Hearts?

“Those Gummi ship missions you like are going to come back in style"

That gum you like is going to come back in style.” - Tetsuya Nomura (not really)

Ever since doing a Twin Peaks marathon some years ago, I’ve noticed some parallels between the Earthbound games and Twin Peaks.

Shithead DPS LB3's far too early

Neither my wife nor I are having any problems finding people to party up with, clear content with, or just generally hang out with.

And our FC is solid, too.

I’m sorry you had a bad experience--and yeah, gold spammers are a pain in the ass--but maybe it’s just your realm?

Can we please post tons of Bowsette art in the comments? Asking for a friend

God of War wins GotY at Game Awards. Seriously, who had or thought that at the beginning of 2018? I certainly didn’t and it blew me away at how awesome it was to play and then win the hearts of everyone.

I’m going to count Monsters Inc being added to KH as one of the best surprises for me, it was leaked late December last year but officially confirmed in February, and it’s the world I’ve wanted (but never expected) since the original.

I know everybody was losing their minds when Ridley was confirmed for Smash but I kind of figured it was a matter of time anyways. King K. Rool, on the other hand, had basically been shoved out of his own series for years and years and I never thought they’d actually bring him back. Hell, when they did the fakeout of

Shame that UK Games Industry are part of a union that describes itself thusly.

I LOVED the Ridley reveal because Nintendo knew exactly what they were doing.