
Celeste: the Celeste mini-game. Being able to play the original game jam PICO-8 game within Celeste gives me both a ton of appreciation for the work they did on the final product and also a great perspective on how amazingly similar their first iteration was.

The kid launching bottle rockets looks like some next-level Macross stuff. Fire all ze missiles!

I still don’t get why Waluigi is popular, can remember when he wasn’t liked because at the time he only existed because Mario had an evil twin Wario, why can’t Luigi?

*started year with hordes of Knucles.

Isabelle: the most powerful character in the Nintendo Universe, confirmed!

This isn’t a glitch, it’s just Isabelle’s charisma at work.

Ask not for whom the Knuckles Knuckles: it Knuckles for thee.

It’s a feature, not a glitch. Isabelle is clearly Smash Ulti’s omega-level mutant.

That’s a bummer. Hopefully MMO-Champion doesn’t tank in quality. It’s run as more of a forum than a traditional blog or news site, so don’t see how Fandom could screw it up. I’m more concerned with Fandom now owning Curse’s mod distribution platform for WoW. Curious if mod creators are going to flock to Nexus or some

I know I say this on pretty much every gaming wiki-related post, but as someone who has always run a non-wiki-based gaming info site, I can’t help but have a little schadenfreude here for those who told me I was a dinosaur.

I went back to check a few of Tumblr accounts I used to visit that were very not-porn, and they’ve all announced they’re moving because random things they’ve posted are getting flagged.

Welp. There goes the neighborhood.

This is a big win for Twitch since they already gutted and kept the big-money parts. 

So what does this mean for Twitch’s actual desktop app, that was based on Curse’s app?

Thanks for reminding me to uninstall the worthless twitch desktop app that I only installed for WoW addon management.

In October, Kotaku reported that Gamepedia may have been inflating Twitch views by embedding livestreams on their much-trafficked wiki pages.

I hope this doesn’t have too much effect on D&D Beyond (owned by Curse) and more importantly Critical Role (Sponsored by D&D Beyond and streamed on Twitch).

They were like the first games that made people think “hey maybe mobile games CAN be great.” but I can’t imagine that they’ve aged well. 

And you clearly have no concept of the extent to which the Japanese hold sacred both customer service and cleanliness.

I remember how great it tasted the first time I had it, but I can never get back that feeling.”