Trailerpark Atheist

Man it’s so cool that we get to live through a second Gilded Age...

The purpose of copaganda is to make people think that police serve functions they do not serve

my family sawmill”

Because a lot of places rather spend money on military grade weapons, armored vehicles, than putting mental health professional on these type of calls.

Big difference between a family business and an international conglomerate.

They would rather close the schools here and send kids to work than to college.

This is Alabama, they hate most unions here with a vehement passion, they almost never even need to union bust around here. It’s one of the big reasons along with incentives as to why we have so many manufacturers, low cost of living and wages paired with an extremely low risk of unionization so very “business

Yep. That’s right up there with why there’s usually no workman’s comp for people who get hurt working at grain elevators -- the fine for not having workman’s comp is cheaper than the workman’s comp insurance premiums.

There needs to be an extensive investigation and the people that allowed this need to be fined harshly, and given prison sentences, and any company involved needs to fined so heavily that they actually feel the consequences of this.

The keyword in your post is “family sawmill” I have farmer friends and their 11 and 12 year olds are helping them harvest tomatoes this summer. Are they working in the same conditions as migrant workers working on other farms? Absolutely not. There is no doubt that these kids were being exploited. 

Jesus fucking Christ.

I feel like there is a difference doing stuff for your family after school instead of working at a meta stamping plant instead of going to school.

I’m no exception. I helped my parents at their store from middle school to high school.

When the fines are so small that they may amount to less than the company might pay a single full-time employee for one year, they simply are not any kind of deterrent at all.

has been using child laborers as young as 12 years old from migrant families.

Alabama: We will work your unwanted child until the age of consent.... which is only 16 - but hey, here is a minimum of 12 loophole.

What business does a 12 year old have working in a metal stamping plant? Reuters doesn’t need to spell it out since a 12 year old shouldn’t be working, they should be in school.

On one level, it doesn’t matter what work these kids were doing; they shouldn’t have been there. But if whoever hired them was willing to cross that line, it seems reasonable to assume the worst.

“SMART Alabama”

And here we have the answer to the question of how the red states plan to deal with the kids from impoverished areas now that abortion is illegal...

It’s not a worker shortage, it’s a compensation shortage. Pay people enough and they will work for you.