Meh. You need to try harder.
Looks like the comments have died out on this story.
When you're 80, let's compare your entire life to one month of what Nimoy's done.
You do know I'm joking, right?
Wait. Australian arachnids turn people into zombies?!
And exploding egg-purse with spider babies that mom inserts in human skulls. Living human's skulls.
Keep in mind that when folks from other continents see a marsupial hoppy thing, they coo and run to fetch some raw unsalted nuts for the kids to feed it whilst they take photos to upload to grandma's Facebook stream.
…Or you're simply saying that to lure non-Ozsome people to take your place in the Lurking Clock Spider Tango and/or Box Jellyfish Monsoon lottery?
Water snorkels.
Silly artist. Australians don't wear ties.
Clearly this is untrue: you're still drawing breath.
The dragons aren't housetrained yet, and leave a frightful mess wherever they go.
Littlefinger is a canny player, and one who – unlike many Westerosi lords – doesn't view "the help" as invisible, mindless minions. Short of Varys, he's the least likely to bring up sensitive topics until the room's cleared. Yet he does. Not only that, but he drops the gem that he's working with Cat while Arya is…
Littlefinger being completely nonchalant throughout Arya's desperate masquerade to be unseen, then while in full view of the head of Stark's mortal enemy, blithely signaling to her that he knows exactly who she is, without Tywin (a VERY sharp player) being none the wiser, counts as subtle. As I see it, at least.
In one of the few criticisms I have against the televised version, they got rid of my favorite Theon line from the book, said when Theon first bursts into Bran's bedroom:
Walter mentioned that these nanites would gradually become more deadly as time went on, until eventually the victim's homeostatic processes would be enough to trigger spontaneous combustion.
Why did David Jones disintegrate upon passing?
Things could alway be worse.