"So you need to drink your own urine..."
"So you need to drink your own urine..."
I think dissing your boss while at work might be problematic, but if dissing your boss on your own time, especially when your boss needs to jump through hoops & barrels to discover this dissing (if a Like can be viewed as "dissing"), isn't.
Pheh. The bedbugs in NYC get larger (although, to be fair, only during summer months).
But... What about Gay Orang Outans?
Oh. My. GODS.
Even if they're day (or week) trippers, and even if they didn't fashion their muskets from bamboo, vines and gunpowder made from ingredients like Captain Kirk did that one episode of Star Trek, what a wonderful way to get away from it all, even if for a bit.
Well, to be fair, she eschews using Facebook.
The last laugh will be on them once they realize Diablo III will be available in only 12 days and they try installing it via Sun Dial.
It depends on which POV character.
I recall reading somewhere (Tower of the Hand, perhaps?) that the Reeds won't show until S03, since they didn't want to have two characters (children, especially) sitting around with not much to do.
"...Nothing is good enough for your lil' baby girl" is all I can think of to fill the squirmingly uncomfortable silence.
To be safe, you really should consider what you'll name your baby if it's a girl.
Humor, not trolling.
Oh darn, I posted a similar riff w/o reading yours.
Our 21st Century uses flash-freezing, microscopes and dermal shavers to study the characteristics of human skin that have eluded them for decades or longer.
Doesn't anyone have the empathy to take it from poor Poison Oak's point of view.
While I had limited success with the Namor costume (damned pigeons strapped to my ankles were... Bothersome), the Hulk costume worked out well.
The fact that you're focusing on one fluid oz as the basis for your critique of my views speaks volumes.