In the same way that a quote from The Onion would be "admissible": only in the most technical of senses, sure to trigger a Satire defense which is quite well protected.
In the same way that a quote from The Onion would be "admissible": only in the most technical of senses, sure to trigger a Satire defense which is quite well protected.
It's curious that the same themes or chords appear in "Jonah Falcon" that Christoforo used.
After your post, I'm going to do the Tin-Hat Rand Paulian fanboys one up and tell them, straight-faced, that they're SUCKERS for demanding the Gold Standard.
It's amazing that the words you wrote sound like they came out of my mouth.
9 times out of 10, people complaining about iTunes have manually jacked around the folders dumping/deleting/replacing crap in the Finder, then are amazed iTunes hiccups. iTunes expects the above to be done w/in iTunes, so it can update the indexing correctly.
Really, Bill Watterson's name should be somewhere in the article. His genius created so much happiness, he should get the credit.
I'd think the kind of democracy matters, as well.
So... My design patent for fully-articulted codpiece armor (with variants for cut vs. uncut) would NOT be a great idea?
It'd have been nice if they added, "Rioting Orcish hordes, however, is on us. Sorry!"
The conceit the writers are doing with Tate is that he's such a very charming, appealing psychopath. Imagine if instead of a shiny, cute lad, he was a ugly, swarthy, graceless clod. Imagine an adolescent Brett Ratner, or Joe Francis, for instance.
0.05 grams?!
I'm chiming in to simply say this is one of the most enjoyable comment threads I've read in a while. All of you: Thanks!
I'm crushed that The Elongated Man isn't included, with an artfully-placed "nose" printed across the y-front of the briefs.
I always think of Lord of the Flies as a documentary, rather than fiction.
On the bright side, at least Peter Pan, upon seeing nakkid Pirate Lady and Cap't Hook going at it, didn't also strip to his skivvies and engage in an... Uhh... Sword fight.
Until there's also a checkbox item to remove the rainbows and prancing (but really angry) unicorns, I'm waiting until the 1.3 version.
When King Juan Carlos' son confesses to him that he's really into speed, I hope he doesn't think Pietro is referring to drugs.
Instead of the Warren Buffet Rule, we'd call it the Bruce Wayne Rule.
To easy: Lil' Baby Jesus HATES ice cubes.
Finally, someplace to put the cast of Jersey Shore on before next season starts!