
To be fair to Ron, he stomped off in an adolescent rage (well within character, and good writing), then once he gathered his wits and tried to come back, it was too late since Harry & Hermione had already jaunted off to a new undisclosed location. Then he spent damned near 1/3 the book trying to re-find them.

One twin maimed. The other slaughtered.

GlaDOS would be perturbed upon reading that chalkboard, while Weasey would rejoice at its two correct answers.

Pheh. I call foul.

Is your hand touching my shoulder?

Precisely. They'd need to timeshift the two comparisons, then compare Iron Man 2, for instance, for the first 30 days it's available on each venue. Otherwise, it's apples/oranges.

Damn. I thought that feline falling experiments were where catapults got their name from.

I quietly shudder in horror at the realization that Brainiac 5 is also also green-skinned and might be caught unchaperoned with Kirk.

I'm cautiously optimistic that Wesley Crusher, espying an unmarked bottle of fluid, will empty it then find himself transformed into Bouncing Unctuous Boy.

So long as the American version has Justin Bieber, one of the Twilight guys, that getting long-in-the-tooth kid actor from Two and a Half Men, and Jessica Simpson's lip-syncing sister playing the leads for the remake, I can't see any way this idea can go wrong.

Damn. I owe drinks. Oh well, small price to pay for my renewed optimism of Hollywood suits grasping desperately for story ideas.

I agree.

I somehow got my food myths confused and thought I was supposed to drink 8 glasses of alcohol per day.

I have a mildly intense argument running with friends that this movie is the magnificently dumb high-concept movie pitch, "Hey, guys: Let's base a movie off Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots".

This is what happens when the US Air Force decides not to run under Mac OS X.

Boy, I'd hate to be behind that lady while in line at Starbucks waiting to get my Venti Dark Roast Drip.

To be fair, the nefarious criminal schemes crafted by floppy-shoe-wearing clowns and their damned spritzer bottles is so much worse that the Nominally Slapstick Organised Crime Agency has its own budget and reporting structure.

Heh. I recall the trillions of taxpayer dollars Conservatives wanted to pump into the Star Wars "missile defense" program to avoid the "looming" threat of asteroid extinction (and provide another "mission" to distract/justify this failed boondoggle/trough feed for defense contractors).

Err, they seem to work fine for me!

The final chapter, when Tyrion renounces whoring so that Sansa can gift him his unicorn steed, so that together they can ride their unicorn calvary, smiting King Geoffrey's armies with rainbow laser-eyebeams was... Unexpected.