What, no picture of Peter Dinklage sitting on the Iron Throne, holding his Emmy as a scepter?
What, no picture of Peter Dinklage sitting on the Iron Throne, holding his Emmy as a scepter?
Well, technically, they're wanting to play the game they imagined in their heads (not needing a net connection) then are outraged (OUTRAGED!!) that in fact, they're playing the game that Blizzard made.
Do yourself a favor, drop by a local library and get the first one. Nothing to lose, right?
The artists interpreting the data are from NASA, so they're schooled in what things should look like.
Dinklage's craft adds so much to King of Thrones that the series would be barren without him.
Speaking as a guy. Considering what's on guys' minds. In light of the premise that males drive linguistic change.
I have attempted to show that a) coincidence is not considered symmetry and b) each n-type has a limited family of possible types. I'm confident that I've done an awful job, but hopeful that I've at least shown something new.
To be fair, 15,000 pages (+ 1,200 pages of intro) is what you'd expect when more than a hundred PhDs labor over thirty years to solve a forty-year quandary then hand off the task of printing their proof to resentful, under-appreciated grad students.
Damn. Left behind with the rest of the lot of you.
Deeply disappointed you didn't present the painting of Aged Guy standing on his porch, shaking his fist, telling the neighborhood super-kids to get off his God-damned lawn.
Logged in this morning (heh, using my screen name but luckily the Google overlords don't speak Vietnamese) and was greeted with a mandatory You must give us your phone number to access your account log-in screen. There's no way to cancel or skip this step.
There's a lot that Captain America II can do if they keep it in the '40s. I'd love the idea of Namor showing up, the (original) Human Torch, Toro, and all The Invaders. Set in the 30s/40s, it'd be all kinds of awesome, with plenty of material to plumb.
When "daughter" and "kids" is used, it brings to mind children. Yet most owners of iPhones would be adults or near-adults, capable of taking the minimally protective steps of locking their iPhone and encrypting their iPhone backup. You probably didn't intend to give this impression, but it's worth noting.
Rather than using a cache locally (and more in control of the user) the other manufacturers require users' phones to query their telecom provider. Which can then be handed out nearly to anyone that asks via court order, FOIA, warrant or PATRIOT Act Constitution-dodging request letter.
I posted a similar point from BoingBoing's excellent post, down below. Also pointing out that if this is any issue whatsoever, then instead focus on telecom providers who track far more user geo-info, with no restrictions. Which they can distribute to pretty damn near anyone they chose without consequence.
So IF you don't have a password on your iPhone (dumb) and IF you don't encrypt your computer archive (dumb) and IF you've jailbroken your iPhone (err, sloppy and if you haven't done these first two and broken your iPhone: dumb) THEN someone can access triangulation data (of questionable accuracy) stored locally on…
Again, see my above entry: it's better written. The privacy concern isn't whether it's stored locally or not, but rather that it's tracked without any restrictions and a wide variety of methods can liberate it from your telecom to whoever's hands desire it. There should be restrictions on this, as I note above).
Hmm. The comments section is hosed, it didn't take my edit to that effect then seemed to delete my original post. See my above comment, written after I read the source article. :)
I'd wager a bet that ALL cell phones (I'll double-down and bet that's 2x the case for rich phones) do this tracking. The only difference is that on the iPhone, you can see the data, versus on the others, your provider has it. Note: court orders, warrants, whimsically granted Homeland Security letters and sloppy…
I'd wager a bet that ALL cell phones (I'll double-down and bet that's 2x the case for rich phones) do this tracking. The only difference is that on the iPhone, you can see the data, versus on the others, your provider has it. Note: court orders, warrants, whimsically granted Homeland Security letters and sloppy…