NASA (and the US Space Program) is socialism. And Texas strenuously hates Socialism.
NASA (and the US Space Program) is socialism. And Texas strenuously hates Socialism.
I bow to NASA, Adam and his surely-probably most absurdly-awesomest* wife for this kind gift.
I bow to NASA, Adam and his most probably absurdly awesomest wife for this kind gift.
Really, I think that Gizmodo should give ads away for free, since "all they do" is aggregate an audience. How dare they turn around to poor, starving companies then demand a fee from them for these companies to pitch their wares to them!
It's good to see that Google felt that Microsoft's 6 or 8 or 10 different retail packages for each version of their OS, while having multiple OS versions out in the market simultaneously, each with 1-4 Service Packs, was just too damned intuitive, simple and easy to understand.
If Baby Jesus came down from up high and magically transformed Earth's melting glaciers into styrofoam, then their models predict "only" a 1' rise (which would still ruin millions of people's lives forever, btw).
Funny thing about people criticizing Wikipedia are the ones that don't correct the articles (or who've tried to then had their changes stricken due to inability to provide reputable cites to their changes). It is Wikipedia: if you have better information, hop to it!
Well, to be fair, it's rather pioneering for NBC to inaugurate the whole sublimated incest/repressed boy-watching-from-afar thing.
More importantly, who's going to send out a probe to Planet Oort to check whether The Monolith is parked there?
You see, replies like yours makes me think you're either a paid plant, a Useful Idiot or eight years old.
Oops. I misread that. Good catch.
I'm not arguing that 7' isn't sensationalistic. I'm arguing that 1' over the next hundred years isn't realistic.
They should have spent another $500,000 to design it to look more like Captain Nemo's Nautilus.
How many toxins are created in the manufacture of the chips and leads?
Sending in the subscription card that the publisher put inside their magazine would be a consumer-to-publisher transaction.
Err, as I recall, it was Bill Gates, not Steve Jobs, that was found guilty of trying to kill Netscape (then the major onramp to the web) by "starving it of oxygen" though illegal leveraging of his OS monopoly.
1) Printing is a surprisingly small slice of the cost of publishing. Especially for publishers creating work, versus linking to it. Wired cites a figure of less than 5%, maybe 3%.