
I'd like to hope that Conficker is checking those IP addresses waiting for the many, many adorable fluffy kitten pictures waiting to be posted, so across the world, people wake up to a delightful screensaver, and united, all colors, all cultures, all people nod their heads in wonderment, and murmur,

@catizback: It's not flames or hate, it's annoyance at sprouting factually incorrect statements lacking integrity.

"I want an official KCS, rail-mounted, infinite range model laser cannon for Christmas!"

@taxbaby: Evangelism for a good cause is gods' work. Carry on. :D

@Communist Pope & @Geezejuggler: It's the only way to ensure our Space Navy isn't infiltrated by a clone army, isn't it? The only, wonderful, wonderful way to ensure that our Space Navy isn't infiltrated by a clone army.

@taxbaby: We both agree that seed banks, Seed Savers, home gardeners and small farmers are fantastic, of course. And might Esther gets at the biodiversity aspects (without citing your excellent organizations) in her last paragraph?

In the future, all navel officers will go shirtless until they earn their Admiralty.

I think the Joker would be more fetching if he wore shiny green shorty-shorts. And it might help him bond more quickly with the Caped Crusader.

@crashfrog: Manufacturers have liability when their product is (ab)used in easily foreseeable ways. If the delivery system is that easy to do incorrectly, it rests on Monsanto's shoulders.

@brillow: ...And blood sacrifice.

@taxbaby: Is archiving enough if the actual population uses patented GM seeds?

The part where Alasdair paints a picture of the view of the night sky from that proto-galaxy, with no celestial objects from any further than 480m LY because their light wouldn't have reached you yet is playing with my mind.

I hope Tony Stark's internal battle suit nanobots don't activate whenever he's excited. Otherwise his dates are in for... Something unexpected.

@tallchair: Red states are primarily the agricultural states that benefit from the billion dollar subsidies we all pay, as well as the destruction of agencies that regulate agribusiness (while enabling GMOs through governmental intervention).

@Cyphon: "SUV drivers" and "Polar bears" are shorthand for broader agents and markers indicating deeper, more intractable problems our environment (and ultimately, humanity) faces. Try to keep up, mmmkay?

Wait. I thought that it was Monsanto, ADM and the other highly-subsidized FrankenFood producers that were supposed to save us. Out of the kindness of their hearts!

I fully support granting immigrant visas to any stranded polar bears to want to come to the United States and chew the face off of any SUV driver they find.

The article sites that the two boys, named Aaron and Chelsea, were found dead in Huntington Beach, CA.

Pshaw. They should embrace it: "4Loko's so awesome that it. May. KILL. You!"

Had only those proto-lizards and fanged trilobites sucked up to Noah a bit harder, they could have hitched a ride on his boat and Fox News/Teabaggers would be whining about the Lizard Men stealing 'Merican jobs.