
Until it supports Flash, Peek is dead to me.

C'mon, fellahs, show just a little more thigh. Don't let the booth girls show you up. Again.

Nice to see the propaganda efforts against Venezuela continue unabated. Of all the countries to pick to represent as seeking The Bomb, they choose them?!

It's good to see the Final Fantasy franchise embracing the first ass-kicking, transexual hero.

Can we have an update that has samples of the various options?

He has a good point: what's the point in highjacking a plane when the passenger in question can simply press the the intercom button mid-flight and say, "Change in plans: take me to Marrakech. Tout suite!"

@OMG! FriedPeeps: No, but you have to give it up that most default IE start pages trend towards the trivial, right? :)

@OMG! FriedPeeps: Some people change their default home page for the browser. And some of those choose Google since it's simple, doesn't distract and loads quickly.

Sadly, Google still doesn't support Amish.

Kewlest. Thing. EVAH!

@quikboy: I can see SOME Apple products - iPods, iPads and iPhones pretty much rule their categories. So perhaps? Maybe?

@Trai_Dep: Apologies to Recovering Lazyholic - she didn't overemphasize the "horribleness" of the Apple products. Gizmodo did, through their liberal use of the Edit button - removing "extraneous" non-Apple entries before posting the infographic here.

The graphic would have a bit more credibility if they didn't use Apple products for every damn gadget that exists. Just a bit of bias showing through.

I personally liked when Dr. Frankenfurter did it.

I can only see one of the premium cablers capable of doing this justice.

Swimming's one hellova lot harder than walking, people.

* waves hand past Troopers' eyes *

The best undocumented feature with iTunes 10 is the prancing unicorns that nuzzle my shoulder as the download occurs.

It's still the same wild, very sick world we've come to know and never go near.

@lostbizzo: That's "Voldemort, Sauron, and Dracula walk into a bar..."