
@Thogar1: Here's the thing though. Enough of you (NOT all of you) let BP cash a blank check as far as sensible precautions. Then enough (but not all of you) elected guys to run the joint who turn to prayer rather than, y'know, getting the Conservative rat bast*rds out of office who did this (and a great deal more) to

@ParryLost: "...amongst the tasty, native Moon-Men (now extinct)."

There's only one real explanation for the death of Scott's party.

OK, Mr & Ms SmartyPants with your high-faluting education 'n $3 words 'n such.

Don't worry.

@214w: I donno. Their snogging for several pages after making the realization sorta makes up for it.

A superb review. It tells me just enough to grok how wonderful this book is, without spoiling the pleasure of reading it. Adding the hook of, Read This, Hollywood!, with her brilliantly concise Hollywood hero critique raises Charlie's review even higher.

I thought that the writing was superb. Very laconic humor and the interplay between characters was top-notch.

@Callabrantus: I enjoyed having a reasoned chat with someone holding an opinion different than mine very much as well.

@Callabrantus: So long as customers are able to post support-related issues, Blizzard would have a stronger argument about the optional nature of disclosure. I'm unsure of this, though.

@Callabrantus: I'm unsure of that, though. It gets awfully close to the "only criminals object to being watched" canard.

@Callabrantus: Much like the government can evade 4th Amendment protections by outsourcing to commercial third parties, Blizzard (or nafarious others) could do the same.

A friend pointed out probably the BEST. POST. EVER. when a Blizzard employee, responded to the fracas by posting his real first & last name in one of the forums there.

TF2 taught me that if I don't woo a woman correctly, she'll (he'll?) torch me to a singed, burnt crisp.

@coldfuzion: Because scrunching a photocopy of the Mona Lisa out of your jeans pocket is just like visiting the Louvre!

Ants are clearly more intelligent than humans, since their wars don't enrich a parasite class of defense contractors that produce a largely useless array of boondogggle projects while sucking vital resources needed by the hive.

@Mandre: Topic fail: science fiction bad-assed convicts. :)

Middle & high school wrestling teams across this nation will learn to rue your name, Ms. Inglis-Arkell.