
OK, serious question.

I'm waiting for the Lord of the Flies version featuring psychotic adolescents with an exploding conch, a pig-orifice-violating sharpened stick and looming decapitation of the losing fighter that insists on playing by the rules.

If the Valve developers are scoping out how things are going, I hope they know how much we appreciate all their hard work, and their generosity in handing out Portal as a bonus.

@freddy_: But if you can't, what's the point of the SteamPowered logo?

@IndustrialJones: It's listed as SteamPlay-capable, so I'd hazard to guess, YES!

If I click madly my browser's refresh button at the steampowered site, will it make the Mac version appear faster?

@jesterspawn: I missed my Gold by that much. A couple weeks. Grrr.

@natedogXVI: Sure (and of course, I meant it non-snarky, ultra-helpful).

@Jonn: My screen's too big - it makes the cap look like an ant carrying a Post-It note across a fat guy's belly.

@natedogXVI: If you haven't played Half Life 2, might I recommend Orange Box?

They would have debuted Steam for Mac with Team Fortress 2, except they ran out of bronze medals.

It's a great way to reach a market that's loathe to drop $60 on a game. Or that gets bored with games after several months.

@leetfoo: No one NEEDS a LAN anymore.

@sdot: They try for wrestling but can't hack the training. Thank the gods.

Hey. Hey. HEY.

A friend of mine, who stomps my butt on SC Classic with gleeful, cackling ease, is complaining about getting his handed to him with frightening regularity on the beta matches more that 2x2.

@leetfoo: Blizzard's working on supporting 3.5" floppies first. THEN support for LANs.