
@bloog: So let's take $1.1 million wishes of dying children, rip them from their hands, throw them on the dirt then grind on them until they're dust.

@Sonira: I say old chap!: Anyone so slow that they don't realize that has to turn in their beta key to someone with a functional brain.

Why do I get the feeling that the people saying Kelly's a subpar writer and Donnie Darko was pedantic and shallow are the same ones who prefer Ratner's vision of X-Men over Singer's?

I pray for custom joysticks being manufactured for the Wii version.

@BeyondtheTech: But then Windows users won't feel they're getting their money's worth unless they have to reset jumper pins, edit .batch files or hand-tweak Registry settings.

Why don't they just strap a chicken hawk to the tailpipe of each US vehicle and let hot air power it? #fuelprices

Video's back, all.

@Cheeze_Pantz: Everyone on the opposing team feels really creeped out when they find out the dog sniffing their crotch really wasn't a dog...

@yanipheonu: Unless it's done by bandolier-wearing, flintlock-bearing, Ninja-kicking kittens. Kittens of DOOM!

I'm DEEPLY offended that Teh Kitteh were not included in the update first.

Blizzard does a fantasmical job of ramping up the skills needed to jump to the next level. It's under-appreciated and incredibly hard to do.

@I Am Error: The gods hate you for not having a decent gaming rig. Valve is simply doing you the favor of making it official.

@paintbox: I think at the higher levels, you're not seeing much drop in quality (or savings either). If I have 320, I resample them to 192 or so, VBR, without much loss (I've got decent buds, plus feed them into my car or stereo).

@Chris Coonradt aka Pobregizmo: To the contrary, I think the fact that slashing the quality of your tunes to potato mush to save a few gig demonstrates that Windows users have no taste.

@Doeseph: But the pleasure derived from HL2 lasts MUCH longer than most marriages, so...

@MurlocCake: Guess it's easier than, "Whoa, did MY guys ever f*ck everything up. Damn near turned everything they touched to sh*t. Hey, maybe I was wrong, or got conned - lemme ponder this...", huh?

@492b2 3b5t5k4mk3 3ñx39: Well, he takes your immortal soul for eternity, but at least, once the dotted line is signed, Old Scratch delivers!

@Zenrick3.0: Yeah, actually, you're right on that. I had Revival mixed in with what a bunch of others said, which was pretty stupid on my part. Sorry, Revive!

@ReVivAL: Whoa, you're one poor student of economics AND history. Two-fer!