
I want to be first to be slain by an F#

@laencythe: Sigh. We're on the same side: sarcasm! Yeesh!

@kingmanic: My understanding is that while significant hide-bound Imperial Navy factions favored battleships, the winning faction - led by Yamamato - recognized the primacy of naval air power.

@Durandal: Cites? No one reputable suggests that any Axis power planned on invading North America.

@Madness: Big difference, son. They did it for empire. We did it for freedomâ„¢.

@juscallmeweasel: Valve is boycotting any future TF2 360 development until each and every 360 user learns to spell "leper".

@Meteoric: Cider emulation and bittorrent. Play TF2 for free and snicker at Gabe's short-sighted lack of support for non-PC platforms. :D

Am I the only one that thought, "So BattleNet will sport really, really large banners now"?

@shan6: Okay, how about: "You are a nakkid female mime artist in Paris, who must earn as much as possible, by miming your way through an invisible maze"? Better?

I am Black and you are White.

@Catalyst: It's punishment for not using the Reply to This Comment button. :D

Hellgate and what happened to Flagship Studios is, to me, one of the great What If stories of the past few years.

@Eur: There's a glaring difference between loving fans and encouraging whiny, snot-nosed babies opposed to change. Besides - c'mon, it was funny!

@mcryder: great show of COMPLETELY missing the point. Read up on OPEC, learn something and get back to us? Demonstrations of faith-based reasoning here is a big y-a-w-n. Thanks.

@mcryder: Because it's their oil?

I recall that with DII, I'd socket stones/runes to objects then once I'd outgrown them, I'd happily toss the object once I found better quality stones at higher levels.

Dark gods of malevolence, please let there be a unicorn-and-rainbow-pony hidden bonus level for players beating the game at Hardcore level.

@cZEAL: Embrace Vag Power, bro. It'll make you a better man. :)

@Meohfumado: Nope, a non-hack director would have seen a crappy script and said, Fix it, STAT! It's what they do. Just as, if they don't think an actor is cutting it, or a set designer or... It's called "directing".