
@CajunGuy: Agree totally. There's NO news value in this story.

Can't wait for the response from Saudi Arabian* game developers: blowing up Texans, recreating Piss Christ and taking the Twin Towers down again.

@Kymeira: "Although that VP Palin's library scandal is a little scary, she's just the VP."

Let's see... One side tries to ban library books (then fire the librarian when she doesn't kowtow to her scary demands) while that person's running-mate admits he's never (WTF - I know!) used a computer.

Wait, since DIII will be all unicorns and rainbows (but bad-assed unicorns and grim rainbows, shouldn't it be called "Bubblenet"?

@Grandreaper999: I'm sure Blizzard will have different - although equally fiendishly clever - strategies for the Zerg. I'd have been disappointed if they photocopied the same strategy mechanics from the old to the new games.

Lot's of love for Blizzard emanating from here. Nice thing is that they're an A-Game publisher who support the Mac, because, Of Course!

How about unicorns? Because rainbows without unicorns are like corn flakes without milk.

Diablo III Classes Best Left Unexplored:

I really hope that Valve monitors this thread, and if the "But w-h-y do I have to p-a-y extra?!" whiny comments exceed, say, ten, they pull the 360 update and leave the 360 players with nothing. But nothing for free, of course.

I totally respect the fact that they may be sick of answering "When will StarCraft 2 be out?" dumb fanboy-type questions. Really, fans should have the self-respect, humanity and maturity to knock this deplorable pestering the HELL out.

Nice graphic.

Now I'm definitely going to buy an X-Box 360. And a PS3.

They're like manly versions of the brothers Jonas. Relatively.

A Zune sketch. Purely for the irony.

I'm thinking of doing the same thing in front of my house this winter... So how many neighbors' corpses will it take to spell out:

It's a shame my baby nephew is so ugly, otherwise I'd offer him up in a NY second.

I love how cp_steel opens up certain map areas if points are captured. One of the things I miss the most about TFC's maps is how Well had the entry point that could be demoed open with the detpack. Would love too see more of this feature in future maps. Anyone know of other player-created maps that do this?

Considering what else adolescent males would be doing with their free left hand while deeply engrossed in on-screen action squatting in crowded, dimly lit subterranean rooms, I think we should count our blessings it's only a cigarette clutched between their twitchy, clutching fingers, people...