
I'm REALLY bothered by this story.

My guess?

McCain's first game, Missile Command - with Iraq raining nuclear missiles on Christian churches, failed after gamers tried it and it turned out the enemy never had the missiles to begin with.

Anyone notice the griefers in the vid were Paultards?

Voice gives me some pleasant surprises. I'm playing sometimes, assuming it's a college-aged guy + because of his coop gameplay. Then he blurts something out and I realize that he's still getting carded for milk. Nice surprise, those!

Here's hoping that when you lose, it screams, "You CUNT!" at you. So that way, his wife can play when John's on the road and she misses his voice.

It's funny how the people that have actually taken a martial art are fine with this (knowing, hey, bruises happen and pain's temporary and it's rewarding) and the people that haven't are ragging on MMA.

(I should unequivocally note to all: I own no male thong!)

Do they have male thongs? Because it'd be awesome to play on a MMA-RPG wearing nothing but a sparkly male thong.

Beats one of the Baldwin Brother's charity. He became a bible-thumper after drinking too much booze, wolfing down too many lines and getting shot down by too many girls asking, "But are you a famous Baldwin Brother?"

Can't wait until the Humpasaur meets the Vagi-stagasaurus.


Just noticed: at the very beginning. Van driving down dustry road. Battered highway sign on right side, as van passes. Sign has headshot victim icon!

So does this mean that Sniper Achievements will boast:

It's the world's biggest, baddest, meanest Spitball Cannon. But since it's Pyro, it's Spitball Cannon From HELL!

Tragically, Jack Thomson's letter to the House Judiciary Committee, meant to calm matters in his case, began with, "While I haven't killed 3,000 people yet, 435 seems a much more achievable number, doesn't it?"

The thing is, guys with more fuel efficient cars? Hybrid drivers? We're cousins. Let's get some W. Virginia lovin' going on.

What I'M really annoyed about regarding the comparisons they chose is, "Why not against a Suburban/Hummer/F150?"

The guys saying they're too tiny have never been in a Prius. Or they're oxen-sized, overweight oafs.

Ron Paul.