
Anything that takes orgasms seriously enough to create a project over it gets my vote.

@Kounji: Can you provide the URL? Gamasutra's search is... Well, isn't. :) Thanks!

@Frank: I was playing a couple days ago with a friend next to me and he pointed out the Q key. I was like, "WHAT? Ohhhhh!" Heh.

@detraya: Whoops. OK, they'd have to counter that by setting a per-door limit. Good call. These are all rough ideas, but they're fun to think about. What else would be interesting Spy achievements?

@deathscent: I'm not sure if spies are the most powerful; I rarely see them at the top of the scores at end-game. But that said, I'd hate to see changes that change how hard it is to play them well. That is, don't extend the cloak time or keep a disguise post-attack. That's what makes it fun, if you're any good.

So, I wonder if the next class to be updated is the Spy.

@Manny: If you think Pyro is the most useless class, you don't know how to play him. Says more about you than TF2, truthfully.

@marlblank: The cost savings aren't what you would think. Many fools compare base wages and think, "Win!"

I call foul.

Wait. TF2 is on the 360?

I can't wait for O'Connor to explain the best part of her job: nullifying the votes of an entire nation to pull a judicial coup-de-tat to make a chimp can run the US for 8 years. But crapping on the Constitution is okay, because God's on their side.

Oh baybies... Beat me?!

Every day that Kotaku has an article on Team Fortress 2, an angel gets his wings.

"Smile for daddy," the player tells her.

Considering the rampant mismanagement and financial shenanigans that the Rockstar execs wasted/pilfered/just lost track of, would it have been nice if the actor got a penny a box sold? Considering his direct contribution compared to suits (who I'd feel better raking it in if they, y'know, poured those mis-spent tens

Team Fortress 2.1: Medic can poison enemies.

@AoE: You should RTFM before calling people sell-outs.

Shouldn't the tag be, "Playstation 6.5"?

It should be noted that I swim and have done so since a small boy. I've worn and seen men in snug, form-fitting gear my entire life. As well as having traveled around the world, where men wear things besides swaddling clothes that drape lower than their knee. Speedos? Fine. Jammers? Awesome. Bulges, bumps and bulges?