
I swear to the GODS if my plumber bends over while repairing my sink drain and I catch even a whiff of the web-strapped black number corseting his ample, hirsute butt-melons together, there's NO way I'm authorizing overtime pay.

Admirably, the artist director for this issue eschewed drenching the models with water pre-photoshoot. Because who'd want the catalog to be too graphic?

I'm getting the address of every right-wing women's group and gifting them with the pleasure of a lifetime subscription.

Different demographics and cultures that will likely viciously savage each other in the comments section following this news.

My auntie & uncle were lazily Republican people. During the last disagreeable conversation we had (this was when GWOT launched Shock n Awe™, I ended the conversation with, "Let's see how this goes - if the Iraqi people are better off in a year than before Bush bombed them into the Stone Age, then I'll admit maybe he's

If they don't read porn there, they'll read porn here.

I'm still reeling from the fact that a Southern, traditional, Conservative politician stocks his office with co-ed eye candy rather than with local parish boys dragooned into wearing football tights. Are you sure you checked the back room?

Let some schmo who stole my ID try to come anywhere close to my "real" sig if it's not present anywhere in my wallet. The only places that have my "financial" signatures are places that the average common thief doesn't have access to. I'm happy with that.

Corey -

Another point in this debate is, if I were a thief with 10 stolen credit cards, I'd make two piles. The signed ones I'd use, the Check ID ones I wouldn't - asking for too much trouble. Toss 'em aside.

@jopari: the two sigs thing is, for letters, IDs or routine things, I use one sig. Any time I sign a check, sign a credit slip, IRS forms, credit forms (any legally binding thing that sits in a file someplace), I use another signature.

The counter-argument is that some retail clerk is supposed to supply FBI-level handwriting analysis to the back of the credit card?! THAT'S likely.

"sign" it by writing the following:

I'm of the belief that zany neighbors make for great stories to tell at work, and - let's face it - psychotics always throw the best parties. Um, can you tell I'm a renter? :D

Holy sh*t. Pay $40 for the "convenience" of not selecting whichever songs you want to neuter in iTunes, then select "Resample"?!

@UCF_Chris: Good point. Gawd the notion of taking notes in class by longhand, then writing it up @ the dorms would be horrifying. For me.

For the girls asking if it's okay to mention to a male friend has his fly undone. Not a problem in the slightest. No connectations, either.

Comparing a bottom-feeding Dell to a Mac is an inapt comparison. Load up the features that a Dell needs to be comparable to a MacBook and you'll find they price out w/in similar ranges. Throw in iLife and the real software that the Mac OS has and the MacBook is a steal. Let alone the media stuff (music, vids,

Yup. Some prepubertal asshat will make one of these things, get bored of burning insects and kittens within half a day, then "try it out" on passerbyers the next one. Then get all, "but I'm just a lil' kid" when the half-blinded for life victim catches him and begins slowly throttling the life out of him.