
Zac effing Efron. That due is mindblowingly hot. An according to that recent editorial, he's a character actor, but whatever, think about it.

How have I survived without one of these?

I was like, hey these Romulans seem like good villains. And then it turned out that the real villain was 'just' a clone of Picard.

The Queen's charm was definitely appreciated, but what you describe sounds like it could be very thrilling, moreso than The Dark world or either of the Avengers films turned out to be with their antagonists (aside from Loki).

I feel like his existence is something that I really should have known about, but that my ignorance in this case will not have any great detrimental effect.

Wait, what are you whispering about? Did Hulu already pick up a Spock show?

The Rancor was a puppet?

Hey buddy, I'll be asking the questions here.

How dare you?

Yes, thank you, I am a goddess.

Yeah…I guess so. I mean, and thanks.


A serious as Breaking Bad was, I feel like Bryan Cranston has the range to do comedy. Even in that show, there were moments when his character made me laugh.

But some of us do go Rogue for him.

Damn, he reminds me of a young Michael Fassbender. I wonder if Fassbender would ever take a role in one of these films—how great would that be?

Wait, I thought that JJ Abrams was doing Star Trek…?

That's fascinating.