Tanya Johnson
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Boy band craze ruining the airwaves? Whaaaaa? How can you discount b4-4 & their paean to oral sex?

This is the definition of arrogant white mediocrity.

If you’re only racist when you drink, you’re still racist.

That’s teasing!  Pour us some tea! (Rachel Maddow had some chilling background on him last night)

I’m so glad I’m not the only person who has been fantasizing about a Designated Survivor-type of situation.

I wish I was RuPaul.

“Cate. You look award-worthy, but your lip sync was mostly Babel...”

I.....can’t with Terrence Malick. I’ve tried. My husband LOVES his movies. A few years back, my husband’s best friend committed suicide and my husband watched Tree of Life over and over and over for days afterward. He said it was the only thing that made him feel better. I guess there’s something to be said for that.

Boring White People Think Their Boring Shit Is Deep: The Millionth Movie.

That’s right, he confessed to deleting that message from Will. For some reason I thought that was why ...

There are no words to describe how much I love this show. It’s so smart and charming and funny and just EVERYTHING!

YES!!!! MORE CRAZY EX GIRLFRIEND!!!! I’m bingeing season 2 now, although I shelled out money to Amazon Video after I finished the first season last month and could not wait for more episodes!

I’m so excited about this. I loved The Good Wife, and now that season 2 of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is done I need a new show to obsess over. Speaking of, I know there’s been a lot to write about, but I would’ve loved to have read a piece about the Crazy Ex finale on Jezebel. Oh well.

This is so deliciously good.

So witches float and wizards sink?