Traeh Noel

I have a Vita and I still want a Vita TV. Playing some of the games on a TV would be much better. Also having a cheap Youtube\Netflix box on another TV is a good cheap option with this. The only thing that holds me back is the compatibility with the Vita games. Some of my favorite games don't work.

He said THE Manga, so he was just talking about THE Manga for Terra Formars, not Manga in general. For someone who is trying to defend the Manga art form you love so much (and therefore presumably read), reading comprehension is clearly not your strong suit.

Look, I've never read this manga, but this guy clearly said "the manga", as in this particular manga is nothing but violence. If he wanted to bash manga in general, the correct English would be "Manga is nothing but violence". Read carefully before calling someone else a moron. You truly look idiotic.

Uhhh... I think he's talking about this specific manga and not manga as a whole.

funny thing is that your comment could fully describe your attitude.
bashing on someone like this without even trying to explain where he's wrong.
i guess you're one of the many people out there who watch terra formars for the deep plot and story instead of gore and action right? that would make perfect sense since

I think Kordan isn't saying what you think he's saying.

Yeah. I dunno. I'm not entirely convinced the 3DS needs a web browser anyway... It has enough games to keep everyone busy, and people who do surf the web have smartphones and computers so....

This kind of reeks of Nintendo trying to take responsibility for the parents, instead of educating them on how to enable parental controls. I don't see why this can't be an opt-in thing rather than being on by default with little choice in the matter.

Yeah tired of the hate for Nomura. The dude does a lot of varied character designs but all people focus on is some of his more out there ones. Though Squall has the fur collar in FF8 so I'm not sure where you're going there.

I personally like his artwork, but that's also because I've also followed it for the better part of two decades, and I'm rather amused by how a lot of his most well-known designs were formed by technical limitations and a burning desire to challenge and/or make the programmers hate him.

A pity "Square-Enix vs. SNK" is a court case instead of a crossover fighting game.

Did you just start playing video games? This has been going on for two decades.

We're going on ahead first!

They're loving it. First shop contest, lets see how it goes.

I think nothing can amuse me more than this one.

This popped up on my feed. Basically video game reviews in a nutshell.


...and I can't get a response on a dating site