Traeh Noel

At least you can watch his movies. I can't even try; I choke up too much just thinking about watching him in Hook, Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji and so many other great films.

This game continues to entertain me hours in.

I would love for Yoshimitsu to make his way into this game in Pokemon form...

You know I really really want to feel for them because a bad launch for a console does indeed stink in a country that is often a major player of the product involved but I just can't. Microsoft did so much terrible garbage before it's launch and after where it pretty much said whatever to some of these markets on

Even in the sport of fencing, blocking is not meant to stop a blow, the idea is direct it away from your vital points. You push a weapon away with a short effective motion, not a giant unwieldly block that leaves you open. You want to accomplish as much as you can with as little motion as possible so as not to remove

The kind of swordfighting you see in movies and TV shows, where everything is graceful and balletic and entertaining, is fiction. Nobody ever fought like that. The real thing was messy.

Now playing

I immediately thought of the 3 minute mark of this video.

What really struck me as I dragged it out from one room to the other was that I can see a lot of folks keeping their PS3 for another year or two at least.

So what you're saying is ...

How To Make A Character That Doesn't Suck

I like that she makes a Sinead O'Connor reference.

Oh that poor hair. As a balding man, I think people who shave off all of their hair for film roles should have their follicles confiscated and implanted on my head.

Because the multiplayer Final Fantasy games are kind of their own thing.

I get the sneaking suspicion that things will calm down when everyone is back in school next week.

This time it got way out of hand.

"If the investigation determines that today's incident was a hoax, those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

I always thought that was behind "break in case of emergency" glass if things really start to go south for Nintendo/Pokemon Company.

Wow, those looks like some good peaches.