
Or maybe it's her super terrible acting. Sorry, I know this thread is four years old, but I've just started watching the show on Netflix (well, "just" and I'm already on S4, you know, binge-watching), and I just couldn't STAND watching Laura Silverman's scenes. They're so painful to watch, and her horrible, terrible,

Weeeeeeeell, I did like The 40-year Old Virgin and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but that was mainly because of the actors involved (Catherine Keener and Steve Carell in the first one, Jason Segel and Kristen Bell in the second one; and that's because I truly enjoy all of these actors). Apart from those two movies, and

Then again, Troian is looking awesome, while Ashley now looks older than her (still gorgeous, though, but I think Ashley is the one who least resembles how she looked in the pilot.)

I wish I had more upvotes to give you. Both on your suggestion of "I'm a Cyborg…" and your dislike of "Knocked Up."

"Knocked Up"? Seriously? That movie is horrendously vomit-inducing. Here, have a list of movie titles beginning with the letter K:… Not all of them are romantic comedies, but I assure you any one of them is better than the garbage that is "Knocked Up." :/

Maybe it's just me, but this wasn't nearly as heartbreaking as Rory & Amy´s departure. It felt just so… trivial. But I've been annoyed at almost all of the episodes this season, and I haven't felt "connected" to any of the stories yet. What a shame, especially after the truly excellent Series 8 (minus one or two

Exactly. I wrote something similar in another comment upthread. Although my reasoning was that he knew Sammi wasn't dead but he lied to Debbie to make her realize how dangerous/horrible it'd be to actually kill someone, even if you feel justified in your revenge. I might have given Mickey more leeway than you, and

THIS. Right here. Exactly. This is the reason why it's such a brilliant show, because of the way it treats this type of character. || Also, about Sammi's "death": all the time I was thinking "No, she's not really dead, she can't be". And I even thought that the only reason why Mickey was so nonchalant about having

Hmmm… I'd say Love & Monsters is worse than even Rings… and Kill the Moon is a masterpiece in comparison… *sigh*

I detested Rings… but tolerated Kill the Moon… so… I don't know what that makes me. :P