
1) It’s a reference to a 20 year old cartoon, not my legal name. That ain’t me.


But if someone rapes a woman there’s a chance to get off of your shit list?

For the love of God, at least stop reproducing with this guy.

NOt a pretty sight.

I know, I brush off drawings that depict me being murdered all the time. Bunch of cry babies.

This strategy you’ve now adopted is an even worse one than the one where you repeat stories that are based around something that’s literally the opposite of true.

Fair enough, but you just underscored what I believe are very common problems in public discourse these days: carelessly following one’s own tribe, repeating what one has heard without independent research, saying anything ‘cause maybe the ends will justify the means, etc.

I’m black and... nah. All lives matter bro, I don’t know how long it is going to take for our community to realize that you don’t get equality by rallying around our differences.

I stopped reading when the author started calling other people imbeciles and cretins to make his point about not calling people retards.

So you got your ass kicked defending your brother who didn't need defending. He's not the retarded one.

No kidding. Violence is just fine, but heaven forbid someone makes a sound with their mouth that hurts my feelings.

Jerkoff from Mass flies off the handle and fights about dumb shit, Writes article about it.

I’ll say whatever i want, wanna fight about it?

Maybe you and some fans care much more about “legacy” than Durant does.

Funny how ‘apathy’ is only something that can be applied to those callow students, not the plucky adjuncts themselves. Nevermind that a lot of those adjuncts were students themselves, not all that long ago...

This article sounded like Foucault being raped in a closet of the Frankfurt school.

Jesus fucking Christ, quit using the fucking idiotic term “woke” already.

My problems with a lot of the Oberlin-type social activist types are mostly:

Hey Raph, despite how much you’re *still* painfully and obnoxiously trying to tie your personal political views on Brexit to the car blog you write for, I still don’t give a damn. But, this is Gawker, and the far-left rants are to be expected on the other sites (to be clear, I’m not here for right-wing politics

Easy journalism? How about ginning up titillating outrage about a public figure using...original research? Nah, a five-year old unauthorized biography. This is a gossip columnist recycling gossip from a gossip tell-all author.