It’s obviously the cunty Oregon militia, Smith & Wesson, and the tea baggers fault that this young man was shot to death by another human being. The human being that shot him didn’t really control his own actions cause he was so traumatized by white privilege and the siren call of the gun at Walmart telling him to do…
i dont do parties. i spend me free time reading and learning about rape culture while you’re out being “a riot at parties.”
That's what 20k/yr and free peanuts gets you.
You're not a particularly good writer.
All Kinja users can write their own blogs. The particular ones that I ended up looking at were related to someone creating parody/troll accounts and pretending to be one of the regular commenters.
“Ugh, Twitter bugs me. Reading it makes me feel icky.” - Guy who works for website that helped a prostitute blackmail the CFO of a rival company, leading to the resignation of half the website’s writers/editors.
Part of their data comes from a study by USC-Annenberg’s Media, Diversity and Social Change group, which is definitely not a whitewashing organization. It’s an interesting report (…) that shouldn’t be dismissed simply because the Economist (which is itself fairly socially…
Yeah it’s really strange how many peculiarities existed at each crime site, particularly if you include Bldg 7 as its own case or investigation (which any reputable investigation should). I think, without delving into the many crazy conspiracy theories that seek to wrap it all up neatly, it’s best to arrive at the…
As much as I hate everything about Philadelphia, what I hate more is that nobody can say a god damn thing about black people without it being a criminal offense. Take a fucking pill and relax. Nobody gives a good fuck about this. And if you do, you are one pathetic loser.
That’s all he wrote?
Nope. You’re wrong. The only people with smart opinions are the snarky-as-hell Deadspin commenters who think any plan proposed by anyone is idiotic and bound to fail.
Whose hair did Joey Porter pull? I think you confused what actually happened with your fantasy of watching Joey banging your wife and pulling her hair.
Saying Manziel is almost certainly an alcoholic seems both reckless and inaccurate to me.
Wait, so no-showing to a meaningless meeting on the last day of a job at a company you hate is a sign of clinical alcohol dependence? Cause I’ve done that before, but it was more of a sign of Deez.
Oh, now I’m really confused. You’re not a lawyer, yet you’re arguing with a lawyer who practices in the same county and district as all these folks about whether this case was winnable in 2005. Why?
OK. Well in Margaret Sullivan’s case, it’s her job to critique and report on reporting, so by definition her column has to come after the original stories. And this nail salon story generated a huge reaction — not only with legislators, but with readers too. It’s rare for an investigative piece to hold the attention…
It might also be that he doesn’t sue the other women because then he'd be deposed about their allegegations. Maybe he figures that because he's going to be deposed by the women suing him, he might as well sue them back
The Cubs were JUST IN the NLCS. Unless you’re one of those fans that believes in curses, the Cubs certainly appear to have as good a shot as any of winning the WS.
She investigated one murder, over several episodes which were recorded as she researched. It's like a ride along with a crime reporter. I found it very interesting. Apparently this writer is much better than me, so she didn't.