Tracys Face

How does one suck a fuck?

Anne is so often the straight man, so it's easy to take Rashida Jones for granted. Having said that, "OFFENSE! THAT'S RUDE!" is one of my favorite line deliveries from the show's entire run.

Oh, man. Tyler could be a great choice!

It's actually kind of a shame that what is arguably Smith's best movie is the one that's going to age the worse.

Wrong kid died.

Crackers! Because your cheese…needs a buddy!

"Haha, oh, you came on to Ross!"
"You used the Europe story!"

Unironic, positive people who enjoy laughing at the funny things funny people say? Yeah, those assholes are the worst!

Wow, I had never heard of Quicksand until you brought it up. Looks like a nifty little flick. Thanks for the recommendation; I'm always curious to see Rooney movies that aren't of the Let's-Put-On-A-Show-With-Judy-Garland variety, as fun as those are.

Cock-blockin' widow!

Any folks here who have read or are reading Justin Cronin's Passage novels?

After hearing today's terrible news, I figured it would be as perfect a time as any to finally sit down and watch Synecdoche, New York for the first time.

"And Miss Lemon! I'll have you know that before last night, I had never, ever, seen Grizz or Dot Com cry!"

Worst of all, it's utter garbage that doesn't seem to have the self-awareness or sense of humor to understand that it's utter garbage. It manages the strange feat of going completely off the rails into crazy territory, all the while being boring the whole time.

This is for @disqus_7vl4fC8RTK:disqus, too -

That's an interesting take on the flick, but to me, what was so surprising and powerful about the story structure was that the beginning half, as you said, lays down the tracks for the ideas of wistful nostalgia and all that, but they don't really pay off until the second half, during all the crazy shit, when you

The two movies are definitely of a piece, I think. I'll refrain from any ILD specifics, since you haven't seen it yet, but I will say this: as soon as I got home from the ILD screening, I immediately put in the DVD of A Serious Man.

Heya, @avclub-63706c2231765ca840e9a60a76fae00a:disqus.

Oh, man, I totally agree. Magpie is one of my favorite tracks from Middle Cyclone, and that new version stands toe-to-toe with the original.

Ha, I read that review when it first posted. Probably like yourself and plenty of others, I read it and felt both anger and "Did you even listen to it?"