Tracys Face

I laughed at that as well, but Johnson screams the line so quickly, all I really heard was "pinata" and "monkey," and the rest was gibberish.

"Nick is MY bitch now!"

To you, Nathan, as well as to @avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus

I also lost my shit at the sight of Nick waking up in the car and he's pretty much gnawing on Jess's shoulder.

"They let me watch Ugly Betty!"

And thank you!

Yikes. Fixed. Long day. So sorry.

I'm torn on the Schmidt-CeCe-Elizabeth thing. On the one hand - you're right. We've seen this trope before. On the other, it seems exactly like the kind of thing that Schmidt would try to string along for as long as he can (A. Because he's Schmidt and B. he genuinely doesn't want either of the two women he cares for

"It's a Japanese Garden!"

Interested in your last point about Gatsby and humbly request some clarification - are you saying that Lurhmann's movie was unfairly hated due to its excess and/or gender issues? Wasn't quite sure what you meant.

Amen to your last point, @Scrawler2:disqus .

I thought his jokes were fine, but his delivery was a bit off. Then I realized that maybe he was just nervous. At a certain point, his hands seem to be visibly shaking. Just your garden-variety jitters, I guess. It was kind of endearing.

Yeah, not to pile on, @avclub-573c38be55d418774b5efc274bb36461:disqus , but but I'm having trouble engaging with this opinion. I mean, I'm a big fan of Mulholland Dr., but I can totally get someone coming away from that movie frustrated or unconvinced by the acclaim that it has received. I've had plenty of

Have no experience with Tantra, none whatsoever. But from what you have described, I would say maybe continue to test the waters with the solo stuff at least a few more times and see what happens. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and no harm, no foul. Also, even though you're currently without a partner (same


That deposition episode culminates in one of my favorite Michael moments. I'm paraphrasing from memory, but I remember Wallace's testimony basically as, "Look, what do you want? Michael is a nice guy, but no, I never seriously considered him for the promotion."

Now that I'm thinking about it, I can't recall any callbacks aside from the Cornetto wrapper. What did I miss?

Saw TWE last night, still mulling it all over in my head, especially the ending. There are *a lot* of things going on in those final five minutes or so, to the point where I came out of the theater feeling unreservedly in love with the movie as a whole but very reserved about the epilogue.

The door knob/shattered glass bit got a huge laugh in my theater, as well. One of the many joys in this movie is seeing Frost (all of the guys, really, but especially Frost) grow progressively drunk as the story unfolds.

I like the way they think.