Tracys Face

I took it that way, too. Him having her back, not that she needed it. Just like Sloane staying in the room on Don's phone call to Munch (Olivia Munn's stifling of laughter right before the scene cuts away was the episode's best laugh).

There's probably no director as self-criticizing as Allen, but is there also any other director as loved by his actors? Aside from Altman, maybe, when he was alive.

It's interesting that you feel that way, @avclub-4c37107b9dedb73b90f677930bf7728b:disqus , because (going by interviews) Allen feels the same way. I'm paraphrasing, but I believe Allen has expressed admiration for only the dramatic, Martin Landau half and regrets his comedic half.

That's a good take on it. It seems pretty clear that fans and non-fans alike can at least agree (if not about anything else) that all the relationship angst has been a pretty weak link on the show thus far.

@avclub-1d04064d540beb34e0cc414561bc6f35:disqus @avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus

"…but also Maggie going to Africa, where no doubt she will be raped like Lara Logan, and it will be an example of the show being racist."

The backlash has probably gone too far in the negative direction, more than the movie deserves. Is Crash middle of the road, self-important, and not particularly memorable? Absolutely. But its heart is in the right place and it boasts some good acting.

I don't know, I kind of liked that scene.

In reading through the offensive ideas put forth by Card in these quotes, and there are several, I think the must jaw-dropping is when he essentially says that the struggle for gay rights didn't yet exist in 1984.

And once the ice melts, it's like Second Drink!


Kill List has been on my to-watch list for awhile. Is it really that nuts?

One of my favorite Turk moments is him chomping on that absurdly large block of cheese, and then casually offering it to Carla and Marco.

I feel like the show was occasionally a little too jarring with their "douchey-J.D." moments.

Agreed with your point about the J.D./Elliot stuff.

Didn't like Gone Baby Gone?

Jackie Brown is definitely one that improves on repeat viewings.

I'm a fan of the album as well, and as it was one of my go-to records during college, there are plenty of formative memories intertwined with it. The only knock against it, and it's hardly a knock, is simply that it doesn't quite sound like a Rilo Kiley album. But a life that includes "Silver Linings" is a better life

I'm a fan of the album as well, and as it was one of my go-to records during college, there are plenty of formative memories intertwined with it. The only knock against it, and it's hardly a knock, is simply that it doesn't quite sound like a Rilo Kiley album. But a life that includes "Silver Linings" is a better life

Ha, man. A little bit, yeah.